Giving to Baptist Youth
Baptist Youth is thankful to God for the support of our churches and many individuals who contribute practically to keep this work of God moving forward.
If you would like to support the work of Baptist Youth you can give one-off gifts or set up a regular donation by one of the following options. We would prefer you make a Bank Transfer or set up a standing order; you can find the appropriate bank details below, but you can also make a card donation using the "Donations by Card" option below.
In either case, please do not forget to complete a Gift Aid declaration if you are a Tax Payer and eligible to do so.
To give a One Off Donation, or to setup a Regular Standing Order please use your online or phone banking facility to setup a new Payee (ABCI) using our Bank Details below.
In the Payee Reference please use the format: Surname/BY ( eg: Bloggs/BY )
Please email a remittance to with details of your donation.
UK Account Details:
Association of Baptist Churches In Ireland
Account Number: 3004 7953
Sort Code: 95 01 49
IBAN: GB15 DABA 9501 4930 0479 53
Alternate (UK) Standing Order Form
If you prefer to complete a standing order form and send it to us, please click this button to download.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK tax payer we may be able to claim and additional 25% of the value of your gift through HMRC’s Gift Aid Scheme. If this applies to you please complete the Gift Aid Declaration on the Main Association webstite.
Gift Aid Declaration
ROI Account Details:
Southern Baptist Corporation Company
Limited by Guarantee
Account Number: 79112178
Sort Code: 90-33-65
IBAN: IE69 BOFI 9033 6579 1121 78
Alternate (ROI) Standing Order Form
If you prefer to complete a standing order form and send it to us, please click this button to download.
Charitable Donatations Scheme
If you are a tax payer in Ireland we may be able to claim an additional 44.9% of the value of your gift through the Irish Revenue’s Charitable Donations Scheme. If this applies to you please complete and return this CHY3 form.
CHY3 Enduring CertificateBefore making a donation by card, please consider making a Bank Transfer or setting up a Standing Order using the details in the section above.
Please make cheques payable to "Baptist Youth" and include a note with your details and any specific allocation instructions for your donation.
Return Address:
Baptist Youth
The Baptist Centre
19 Hillsborough Road
BT67 0HG
If you are a UK tax payer we may be able to claim and additional 25% of the value of your gift through HMRC′s Gift Aid Scheme. If this applies to you please complete the Gift Aid Form on the main Association website.